Chapter Introduction | |
E01AAF | Interpolated values, Aitken's technique, unequally spaced data, one variable |
E01ABF | Interpolated values, Everett's formula, equally spaced data, one variable |
E01AEF | Interpolating functions, polynomial interpolant, data may include derivative values, one variable |
E01BAF | Interpolating functions, cubic spline interpolant, one variable |
E01BEF | Interpolating functions, monotonicity-preserving, piecewise cubic Hermite, one variable |
E01BFF | Interpolated values, interpolant computed by E01BEF, function only, one variable |
E01BGF | Interpolated values, interpolant computed by E01BEF, function and first derivative, one variable |
E01BHF | Interpolated values, interpolant computed by E01BEF, definite integral, one variable |
E01DAF | Interpolating functions, fitting bicubic spline, data on rectangular grid |
E01RAF | Interpolating functions, rational interpolant, one variable |
E01RBF | Interpolated values, evaluate rational interpolant computed by E01RAF, one variable |
E01SAF | Interpolating functions, method of Renka and Cline, two variables |
E01SBF | Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by E01SAF, two variables |
E01SEF | Interpolating functions, modified Shepard's method, two variables |
E01SFF | Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by E01SEF, two variables |
E01SGF | Interpolating functions, modified Shepard's method, two variables |
E01SHF | Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by E01SGF, function and first derivatives, two variables |
E01TGF | Interpolating functions, modified Shepard's method, three variables |
E01THF | Interpolated values, evaluate interpolant computed by E01TGF, function and first derivatives, three variables |